Tag Archives: public libraries

September is Library Card Sign-up Month

What’s the smartest card in your wallet?  For me it’s my library card.  Libraries provide a place for children and adults to embark on a journey of lifelong learning.  For the first time in a decade, library usage is accelerating.  Unfortunately, that acceleration is due to the economic downturn.  Many people are using their library as a place to create their resumes, to browse the career books, and to submit online job applications.  We cannot ignore the fact that libraries open their doors and play an important role in giving everyone a chance to succeed.

Get on out and celebrate by getting your library card and encouraging friends, family, and coworkers to do the same.

NY State Library Funding Cuts

Many of you are private corporate and law librarians, and many aren’t in New York. But we’re all librarians here, and as I’m sure your budgets remind you on a daily basis– cuts aren’t fun. So if you can, take the time to drop a line.

Copied from NYLA, ALA, and a Whole Buncha Emails I’m Getting:

“As you may know, the Governor proposed a $2.4 million reduction in Library Aid in the 2010-2011 Executive Budget. This would be the 5th cut in less than two years and would bring Library Aid below 1998 levels.

The Senate Majority in their recently released Budget Resolution has rejected the entire cut in Library Aid, while the Assembly Majority in their Budget Proposal calls for the restoration of $960,000 or 40% of the $2.4 million cut.

The Senate and Assembly will be working over the next few weeks to resolve the differences in their proposals either through conference committees or the usual behind closed-doors three men in a room process. Either way, it is critical that library advocates contact their state legislators and urge them to reach an agreement that provides the best level of funding for libraries possible.

Visit www.protectnylibraries.org and click on VOTE for Libraries button to send message to your state elected officials.”