Tag Archives: resources

And the 2015 Webby Award for Best Law Website goes to….


perma.cc Built & Run by Libraries

The 2015 winner of the Webby Award for best law website goes to Harvard Law School Library – Innovation Lab for the beta site perma.cc.

According to a study by Harvard Law, approximately 70% of all citation links published in law journals from 1999 to 2011 are now defunct.  perma.cc plans to prevent all future broken links in legal citation through perma.cc’s three step approach: create, vest, archive.

Create: A user enters a URL creating a Perma Link associated with a temporary archive.

Vest:  A Vesting User, someone affiliated with one or more Vesting Organizations such as law journals or courts, reviews and approves the Perma Link making the archive permanent.

Archive: An archive type is chosen (Live Page View, Screen Capture View, Archived Page View.

Visit https://perma.cc/ to learn more!

Perma.cc is powered by libraries because we’re in the forever business. We’re already looking after printed materials. It’s time we did the same for links.”


Farewell Friday

This week, two often-used resources bid us adieu: the print version of Encyclopaedia Britannica and the GPO Access, the website for official US publications. But neither are disappearing completely–the Encyclopaedia Britannica will still be available online and the GPO has been folded into FDsys, or the Federal Digital System.

Read more about these changes here and here.