Tag Archives: the current

The Current: The Journal of PLI PRESS, Volume 1, Issue 2

Current Volume 2

PLI is pleased to announce that the second issue of The Current, PLI’s new quarterly journal, has been released and is available on PLI PLUS.

Each issue of The Current features original articles that cover new and emerging developments impacting the law and the legal profession. In every issue you’ll find expert insights, commentary, and analysis from leading practitioner’s, including PLI’s authors and faculty members.

Articles featured in the Autumn 2017 issue include:
Artificial Intelligence: Prepare for the Reinvention of Everything, Peter Brown (Peter Brown & Assocs. PLLC)
Are “Immoral, Deceptive, or Scandalous” Trademarks Registrable After Matal v. Tam?, Joanna Y. Chen & Jeffrey G. Sheldon (Cislo & Thomas)
The Trump Effect: Practical Drafting Tips for Estate Planners in Uncertain Times, Robert W. Sheehan, Michael S. Schwartz, Josh Bergman (Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP)
Counseling on Cannabinoids: Making Sense of Marijuana and Preemption, Prof. James O’Reilly (University of Cincinnati)

The Current  is available through your PLI PLUS subscription.

Not a PLI PLUS subscriber? Click here to sign up for a FREE digital version of The Current. The journal is also available here for purchase in print.