Free One-Hour Briefing on Violence Against Women Act



Monday, April 29th, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) has been a valuable tool for both law enforcement and immigration practitioners alike. The legislation has helped survivors of domestic and sexual violence come out the shadows and it has provided a mechanism for regularizing the immigration status of these survivors. VAWA 2013 now extends protections to other vulnerable groups.
Please join M. Audrey Carr, Director of Immigration and Special Programs at Legal Services NYC, and Julie E. Dinnerstein, Co-Director of the Immigration Intervention Project at Sanctuary for Families, for a free One-Hour briefing on VAWA 2013. Topics to be discussed include:

  • The history of VAWA
  • Expanded protections under VAWA 2013
  • Immigration Provisions of VAWA 2013

Attorneys of all backgrounds, expertise, and experience are welcome. Register now and don’t miss this important Free Briefing!