Our Free Library One-Hour Briefing on Legal and Ethical Issues in Social Media is Now Available On-Demand!

One hour BriefingPLI and LLAGNY have teamed up to offer free one-hour audio briefings for librarians, researchers, attorneys, and allied professionals.  This spring we offered a session on the complex legal and ethical issues surrounding data privacy and social media.

The use of social media in the legal industry is continually gaining momentum. But there may be ethical pitfalls with its use. This session covered the ethical issues you should be aware of and reviewed the following topics:

  • The use of social media by attorneys
  • The rules of professional conduct in relation to activities in the use of Facebook, blogs and other forms of social media on the Internet
  • The ethical issues regarding pretext searching, conflicts of interest, attorney advertising issues and client confidentiality

This briefing, featuring instruction from experts in research strategy and social media, was conceived and created in cooperation with Practising Law Institute (PLI) and the Law Library Association of Greater New York (LLAGNY).


Please note this program has expired.  If you are interested in current PLI Library Programs, please visit www.pli.edu/libraryaudiobriefings