Treatise Update – New York Elder Law

New York Elder Law taps experts in their respective fields to cover the latest legal developments regarding Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; Social Security and SSI Disability; Medicare; Supplemental Medical Insurance; Medicaid for the elderly, blind and disabled; home care; protective services; housing; nursing homes; health care decision-making; veteran’s benefits; and retirement plans. 

This treatise contains numerous time-saving checklists to help readers stay current with rapidly changing laws including up-to-date eligibility and benefit levels, benefit checklists for older adults, and flow charts for step-by-step guidance through complex appeals processes.

Highlights of this new release include:

  • Chapter 4, Medicare. Discussion updated to reflect COVID-19-related extensions and waivers and the 2022 figures for the deductibles and copayments under the Part D Drug Benefit (see section 4:14.5). In addition, appendices 4A, 4B, 4E, and 4F have been updated with the most current figures.

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PLI PLUS subscribers can access this title through their subscription.

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