Tag Archives: Banned Books

It’s National Banned Books Week

Today marks the second to last day of the 30th annual Banned Books Week.  Each year, ALA celebrates Banned Book Week  in an effort to emphasize the importance of unfettered access to information by drawing our attention to the negative cultural impact that censorship can have.

Want to learn more? Check out ALA’s Frequently Challenged Books webpage and see which books–contemporary titles as well as beloved classics–have been banned over the years.  Over at the PLI Librarian, some of our favorite banned books include Catcher in the Rye, The Sun Also Rises, and Go Ask Alice (which we were extremely disappointed to find out was fabricated…and yes, we only found this out somewhat recently. Do not judge).

What’s your favorite banned book?

Fun Friday – National Library Week

Happy National Library Week!  This week’s events included:



  • The release of the Top 10 List of Frequently Banned Books Here’s the list for 2011: 1) ttyl; ttfn; l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle; 2) The Color of Earth (series), by Kim Dong Hwa; 3) The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins; 4) My Mom’s Having A Baby! A Kid’s Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy, by Dori Hillestad Butler; 5) The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie; 6) Alice (series), by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor; 7) Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley; 8 ) What My Mother Doesn’t Know, by Sonya Sones; 9) Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily Von Ziegesar; 10) To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
  • National Library Workers Day (Tuesday, April 10)
  • National Bookmobile Day (Wednesday, April 11)
  • Support Teen Literature Day (Thursday, April 12)

Check out ALA’s page on all the ways to celebrate here.

How did you celebrate?