Tag Archives: ebooks

2012 PLUS Tour Update

Atlanta and LA down, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, DC and New York to go!  Discover PLUS keeps rolling on…

Here’s information for the upcoming Librarian Advisory Luncheons:

San Francisco, CA–Friday, October 12, 2012

Location:             The Palace Hotel (Pacific Heights Room); 2 New Montgomery Street; San Francisco, CA 94105

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 5th, 2012


Chicago, IL–Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Location:             The Westin Chicago River North; 320 North Dearborn Street; Chicago, IL  60654

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:        October 11, 2012


Houston, TX–Thursday, October 18, 2012

Location:             Hyatt Regency Houston; 1200 Louisiana Street; Houston, TX 77002

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 12, 2012


Philadelphia, PA–Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Location:             The Westin Philadelphia; 99 South 17th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19103

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         TBA


Washington, DC–Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Location:             Hotel Monaco; 700 F Street, NW; Washington, DC 20004

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 19, 2012


New York, NY–Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Location:             Sheraton New York Hotel; 811 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10019

RSVP Date:         October 26, 2012


Don’t see your city on this list? Email us and let us know where you want PLUS to stop next!


Discover PLUS is Coming to a City Near You!

As we launch Discover PLUS, PLI wants to hear from you! Please join Alexa Robertson, our Library Relations Director, for a Librarian Advisory Lunch, where we’ll demo Discover PLUS.  After the demo, we will answer all your questions, and ask for your thoughts and suggestions.

We will be hosting luncheons in the following cities.  Email libraryrelations@pli.edu if you’d like to attend.


Atlanta, GA–Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Location:             Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta (Savannah Hall); 75 Fourteenth Street NE; Atlanta, GA 30309

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         September 28th, 2012


Los Angeles–Thursday, October 11, 2012

Location:             The Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza; 251 South Olive Street; Los Angeles, CA 90012

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 4, 2012


San Francisco, CA–Friday, October 12, 2012

Location:             The Palace Hotel (Pacific Heights Room); 2 New Montgomery Street; San Francisco, CA 94105

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 5th, 2012


Chicago, IL–Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Location:             The Westin Chicago River North; 320 North Dearborn Street; Chicago, IL  60654

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:        October 11, 2012


Houston, TX–Thursday, October 18, 2012

Location:             Hyatt Regency Houston; 1200 Louisiana Street; Houston, TX 77002

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 12, 2012


Philadelphia, PA–Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Location:             The Westin Philadelphia; 99 South 17th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19103

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         TBA


Washington, DC–Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Location:             Hotel Monaco; 700 F Street, NW; Washington, DC 20004

Time:                    12:30 PM

RSVP Date:         October 19, 2012


New York, NY–Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Location:             Sheraton New York Hotel; 811 7th Avenue, New York, NY 10019

RSVP Date:         October 26, 2012


Don’t see your city on this list? Email us and let us know where you want PLUS to stop next!


Discover PLUS is Live!

Discover PLUS, PLI’s new eBook library, went live today!  Discover PLUS is your source for our authoritative Answer Books, Course Handbooks, Treatises, Legal Forms, and Program Transcripts.  What’s more, Discover PLUS includes tools to help you manage your research, such as folders and saved searches.  And you can access our whole library for one flat, firm-wide price

Sound good? Check out our video introduction below.  Contact PLI’s Library Relations Department (libraryrelations@pli.edu; 877-900-5291) if you have any questions or you’d like to learn more.

Introducing PLI’s Discover PLUS!

Practising Law Institute announces the release of Discover PLUS– our new ebook library created by legal researchers to meet the needs of legal researchers.

Discover PLUS offers the following features:

  • First-rate secondary source material–Subscribers have all-inclusive 24/7 access to our library of acclaimed publications.
  • One flat, firm-wide fee–Pay a one-time, upfront, flat fee for the entire firm and avoid per-click charges and complicated statements.
  • Searchable forms–We’ve included a database of over 1,000 customizable legal forms
  • Manageable research–Organize your research using folders and saved searches
  • New look and feel–Redesigned interface for easy navigation

Interested in learning more? Check out our press release here or watch this video.

Please contact Library Relations (877-900-5291 or libraryrelations@pli.edu) if you have any questions.

PLI Discover…our eBook library

Are you interested in learning more about Discover, PLI’s eBook library?  Discover subscribers have 24/7 access to our complete publication catalog.  This all-inclusive collection is available for a flat-fee, no per-click charges.

If you are interested in learning more, you can download our pdf flyer here or contact us at libraryrelations@pli.edu

Ebook buyers survey results

What influences ebook readers to pick the books they read?

Mark Coker conducted a survey of ebook readers at Mobileread Forums, giving people 12 answers to choose from:

  • I browse book covers, and if it grabs me I investigate further
  • I browse paper books at brick and mortar bookstores, then search for the ebook online
  • Recommendations from fellow readers on online forums, blogs, message boards
  • Personal friend/family member recommends it to me
  • I look first for my favorite authors
  • I read free ebooks, and if I like the author I buy their other titles
  • I browse randomly then look at reviews
  • I’ll sample anything, and if it grabs me I’ll download/buy it
  • Bestseller lists for my favorite genres/topics
  • Retailer recommendations (incl “people who bought this bought that”)
  • Reviews/recommendations from traditional media (newspapers, television, magazines)
  • Other

Most of the 315 respondents (29%) selected: “Recommendations from fellow readers on online message forums, blogs and message boards” and 18% of people selected  “I look first for my favorite authors”. The rest of the responses were evenly split.

In this age of modern technology it seems that people value the opinions of  online commentators more than those of friends and family members.

PLI EBooks …now there’s an app for that

PLI created an application for customers to access PLI’s audio content and complete eBook library at their convenience.  If your organization subscribes to PLI Discover—which is PLI’s eBook Library—you will be able to access our eBooks from you iPhone.  And the PLI app is free to download at the iTunes store

How to get to PLI Course Handbooks and Treatises

 After you have downloaded the app, you will be asked to log in.  Use your PLI username and password.  Along the bottom of the screen you will see a navigation menu. 

 Click on “Search” and then select “Books” to view our Course Handbook Library or “Treatise” to view our Treatise Library.  You can view the titles and download the chapters you want to read.  After you are finished, don’t forget to remove the download from your device to free up the memory.  To remove an item from your device, click on “Downloads.”  All your items will be listed, with a red “x” next to them.  Click the “x” and the item will be removed.  If you need the chapter again, you can always download it later.

 Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3

The Price of Ebooks

Here’s an interesting post I stumbled upon thanks to my twitter feed.  It is great when technology makes life easier.

Did you ever wonder about the price of ebooks, namely, why they are higher than perhaps you expected?  Here’s a blog post from a publisher’s perspective that sheds some light on the pricing.