Tag Archives: hot topic program

PLI XChange Demonstration This Friday

This Friday we’re doing an in-person and live webcast demonstration of PLI XChange, the new collaborative networking program that we’ve created to accompany certain programs and keep the conversation going after you leave our conference rooms.

Since PLI XChange is going to be included in the Law Library 2009 Programs (offered in San Francisco, New York , and via LiveWebcast), it’s definitely worth the time to check it out. Whether you’re interested in posting to the forum and starting and fostering discussions, or just want to know a little bit more about how this tool can help you connect with the community, improve your experience at the programs, and let you access program content before and after the program, watching or attending this demonstration can answer your questions and help you prepare.

If you’re interested in attending, or watching via the internet, or just have a few questions that you’d like answered, you can let us know by calling either (212)-824-5825 or via email to libraryrelations@pli.edu.

Hot Topic Program: Subprime Institute 2008

The subprime mortgage market continues to crash and what was once considered a problem has now become a crisis. Attend PLI’s upcoming Subprime Institute 2008, in New York City and via Live Webcast on September 23, 2008 to gain an understanding of the causes behind the subprime crisis. Learn how to advise your clients given this current and ongoing economic crisis. Find answers to questions you really need to know: How have regulators stepped up their activity in response to the current situation? What risks are associated with the secondary markets tightening of credit? What new legislative developments will help limit the risks investors are facing? How can you advise your clients given the tightening of credit? These and other questions will be addressed on September 23.

See our website here: http://www.pli.edu/product/webcast_detail.asp?id=46823