Tag Archives: pli course handbook

Happy Law Day!

Did you know that May 1st is Law Day? This year’s theme is “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom”, which according to the American Bar Association, “underscores the importance of the courts and their role in ensuring access to justice for all Americans.”

To celebrate, PLI is offering 35% off all of our publications, including treatises, course handbooks, and answer books. Click here make a purchase or contact PLI’s Library Relations Department by email (libraryrelations@pli.edu).

How are you celebrating?

February 2012 Course Handbook Updates

Listed below are the PLI Course Handbooks that were published during the month of  February 2012:

Corporate Law and Practice Series

Intellectual Property

Litigation & Administrative Practice Series

New York Practice Skills

Tax Law and Practice Series

If you have any questions or would like to order a title, please contact the Library Relations Help Desk at libraryrelations@pli.edu or call 877-900-5291.