Tag Archives: ABA

Happy Law Day!

Did you know that May 1st is Law Day? This year’s theme is “No Courts, No Justice, No Freedom”, which according to the American Bar Association, “underscores the importance of the courts and their role in ensuring access to justice for all Americans.”

To celebrate, PLI is offering 35% off all of our publications, including treatises, course handbooks, and answer books. Click here make a purchase or contact PLI’s Library Relations Department by email (libraryrelations@pli.edu).

How are you celebrating?

Free PLI Patent Bar Review Course

IPWatchdog.com has once again been selected by the Journal of the American Bar Association as one of the top 100 legal blogs in the IP Law category. If you vote for IPWatchdog and then tweet this: “Voted IPWatchdog for top IP Law Blog http://www.abajournal.com/blawg100 Vote count = XXX. Cast your vote today! @ipwatchdog @plipatentbar @PractLawInst.” you’ll be eligeble to win 1 free Patent Bar Review Course from us

Vote here: http://www.abajournal.com/blawg100/