Tag Archives: podcast

Law Librarian Conversations Podcast

The Law Librarian Conversations Podcast Series is available on a brand new website. They’ve got some great stuff coming up this month:

There are already some interesting programs planned for March. On the first Friday of March, regular panelist on the podcast and Executive Director of LIPA, Margie Maes will discuss some news from the world of preservation. On March 19th Roberta Schaeffer, Law Librarian of Congress will join us to share with us her vision about our nation’s law library. Programs on digital privacy, open access and authentication are planned for the spring.

Take a minute to go and listen to a great conversation, here.

Public.Resource.org Interview

Radio Berkman did an interview recently with Carl Malamud, who is working with the group Public.Resource.org to put the law and legal documents in the public domain. According to the blurb:

If you think this is a small issue – note that Americans spend some $10 billion a year just to access legal documents, everything from local building codes to Supreme Court records. The Executive Branch alone pays $50 million to access district court records. Some cash-strapped law schools ration students’ access to per-page charging services for legal records. And journalists, non-profits, and average citizens interested in legal research are feeling just as nickeled-and-dimed by fees.

You can download the podcast here.

The Start of the School Year for Academic Law Libraries

This week’s edition of The Law Librarian, Internet Radio Talk Show (and how much do you love that this exists) talks about what academic law libraries are doing to start the school year off on a good foot.


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