Tag Archives: free things

Free Research! (No, Seriously)

So your partner/lawyer friend desperately needs this PLI article/vaguely defined research topic from ten years ago/two years ago/yesterday, and you’re swamped. And not only are you swamped, but you can’t find it on our website and you’re freaking out just a little because (s)he needs it NOW.

Fear not!

The Library Relations Team does research. So if you’re trying to track this article/topic down and really could use a hand, drop us a line. We’ll either email you back the article itself, a selection of what we think can help you, or a citation so you can pull it up on one of your other databases without searching (or accruing fees).

It’s free. Because we love you, and your life is complicated enough without us getting in your way.


There’s a great review of Mint.com on 3 Geeks and Law Blog site.

Mint is a free software run by the same people who run TurboTax. It links to your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. and helps you manage your budgets on a monthly and yearly basis.

While it’s intended for personal use, it would also make a great budgeting tool for libraries. You can see in one easy to navigate location how much you’ve spent with any one merchant, on any one type of expense, and monitor spending on all of the library’s accounts and cards. It provides charts, email notifications when you’re reaching an allocated budget, and projected savings/spending over a time period.

You can read the review on 3 Geeks and Law Blog here, or check out the website for yourself here.

Free E-Book Time

It’s that wonderful time of the month again– the time when University of Chicago posts a free e-book for download and enjoyment. This month’s offering:

Ted Cohen
Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters
112 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 © 1999
E-book Free! See form below (about e-books)
ISBN: 9780226112329
Cloth $15.00
ISBN: 9780226112305 Published October 1999
Paper $11.00
ISBN: 9780226112312 Published May 2001

“A lucid and jargon-free study…replete with killer jokes.”—Kevin McCardle, The Herald (Glasgow)
“Tells us many remarkable things about intimacy, about explanation, understanding and belief, about Jews and, more or less inadvertently, about philosophers.”—Adam Phillips,London Review of Books

You can download the e-book here.

LISNews Librarian Essay Contest

LISNews is the first stop on my internet reading list every morning, and yesterday they announced a Librarian Essay Contest:

“The first ever LISNews Librarian Essay Contest invites librarians to write an original essay about issues that impact librarianship. The contest will run for the entire month of February, 2010, with the fabulous prizes awarded sometime in March. Winning essayists will receive one of several prizes including Amazon or Borders gift cards, and a year of hosting from LISHost.org.”

Who doesn’t love fabulous prizes?

Bar Exam Resources

The folks over at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law have updated their Bar Exam Guide for students. The site is impressively inclusive, going so far as to provide hotels near the Ohio bar testing locations, outline the costs that a student can expect to accrue, and giving advice on which classes to take and when.

A great outlay of information, here.

Budgets and the End of the Year

The end of the year is a huge crunch time for librarians, and if we can help just let us know. The Library Relations Team can send you a listing of all of your current subscriptions, find you the pricing on future releases, email you copies of outstanding invoices, and help make your end of the year a little less stressful.

You can reach us at our 800 number: 877-900-5291 or via email at LibraryRelations@pli.edu.

NPR’s On the Media

NPR’s most recent “On the Media” episode is focused entirely on books. Sections include:

1) Book It
2) * Podcast Extra: Indies on the Industry *
3) Books 2.0
4) For the Love of Reading
5) For the Love of Books
6) Word on the Street
7) Reinterpreting War
8) Books That Die

You can click on each section to read a transcript and listen, or click here to download the whole thing.

Google Scholar Includes Caselaw

Google Scholar has recently started to include case law searches, allowing for free and easy searching of case law, journals, and legal opinions.

Early reviews stress that while a useful tool for learning more about a case or a decision, Google Scholar is by no means a current replacement for pay sites, it has the potential to grow into something great.