Tag Archives: e-books

Free E-Book Time

It’s that wonderful time of the month again– the time when University of Chicago posts a free e-book for download and enjoyment. This month’s offering:

Ted Cohen
Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters
112 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 © 1999
E-book Free! See form below (about e-books)
ISBN: 9780226112329
Cloth $15.00
ISBN: 9780226112305 Published October 1999
Paper $11.00
ISBN: 9780226112312 Published May 2001

“A lucid and jargon-free study…replete with killer jokes.”—Kevin McCardle, The Herald (Glasgow)
“Tells us many remarkable things about intimacy, about explanation, understanding and belief, about Jews and, more or less inadvertently, about philosophers.”—Adam Phillips,London Review of Books

You can download the e-book here.

Doctorow on “How to Destroy the Book”

Cory Doctorow, Creative Commons founder and copyright activist gave a speech at the National Reading Summit entitled “How to Destroy the Book.” Transcribed by The Varsity.Ca, it’s both fascinating commentary on the copyright issues that e-books are going to face in the next few years, and a beautiful statement on readers as a whole:

“We are the people of the book. We love our books. We fill our houses with books. We treasure books we inherit from our parents, and we cherish the idea of passing those books on to our children.”

Link here.

Law Student Books: Source of Scoliosis and Poverty

SeattlePi.com has an article this morning that says that the average law student has “28 pounds of books worth about $1,000 per semester” in their backpacks. Amazon.com and other content providers are examining e-books as a back (and wallet) friendly alternative in a conference later on this month.

Books a weighty issue for law schools

We’re going to take this opportunity to promote PLI’s own Online Library, which allows online access to all of our Course Handbook and treatise titles, with releases automatically updated; a space and budget saving alternative to a print subscription. For more information, email us at LibraryRelations@pli.edu.