Tag Archives: news

Financial Term of the Week

A new feature of our blog designed to deal with the changing market situation. Here is your financial term of the week:

Option ARM: Mortgage that permits the borrower to choose from among several types of repayment arrangements.

Our free newsletter “The Pocket MBA” has more information here: http://inbrief.pli.edu/the_pocket_mba/index.html for the curious and information seeking. Always a good source of financial information, The Pocket MBA has up to date articles and breaks the market down into easily understandable bits for your perusal.

Law Student Books: Source of Scoliosis and Poverty

SeattlePi.com has an article this morning that says that the average law student has “28 pounds of books worth about $1,000 per semester” in their backpacks. Amazon.com and other content providers are examining e-books as a back (and wallet) friendly alternative in a conference later on this month.

Books a weighty issue for law schools

We’re going to take this opportunity to promote PLI’s own Online Library, which allows online access to all of our Course Handbook and treatise titles, with releases automatically updated; a space and budget saving alternative to a print subscription. For more information, email us at LibraryRelations@pli.edu.

Making Newspaper’s More Accesibile

Google announced yesterday that they’re going to start providing old newspaper articles, complete with pictures, headlines, and full content through a Google News Archive search (http://news.google.com/archivesearch).

Bringing History Online, One Newspaper At a Time

Is this making life easier for everyone? Or just one more argument in the case for Google becoming the world’s most powerful, and thereby dangerous, information trader?