Tag Archives: archives

2016 Archive Content Added

In 2016, PLI added 611 archived Course Handbooks to Discover PLUS. We now have over 1,600 pre-2008 Course Handbooks available on Discover PLUS and our archive dates back to 1980!

We prioritize our archive additions based on requests from subscribers so please send us your suggestions! We also offer a document delivery service for PLUS subscribers. If you’re looking for a pre-2008 document on Discover PLUS and cannot find it, email us with the citation information and we can look through our files onsite. If we have it (and we usually do), we’ll send you the Word version–we aim to do so in under 24 hours.

If you have any questions about PLI Discover PLUS or our Course Handbook archive, please email or call (877-900-5291) us.

PLI Librarian Advisory Breakfast at AALL 2015

PLI Librarian Breakfast

Practising Law Institute (PLI) will be holding a Librarian Advisory Breakfast at the AALL 2015 Annual Meeting & Conference in Philadelphia.

At PLI, we recognize that past practices greatly affect future dealings and decisions, and we’re working hard to upload our vast archived content to PLI Discover PLUS, our eBook library containing our authoritative Treatises, Answer Books, Course Handbooks, Program Transcripts, and Legal Forms. Since PLI has been publishing authoritative secondary sources on legal matters since 1933, we are in a unique position to be able to provide our subscribers with a treasure trove of expert opinions. By the end of 2014, we had released over ten years of Course Handbook content going back to 2004, and we are continuing to provide subscribers with more archived titles every week.

During a breakfast discussion on Discover PLUS historical content, we will offer a participant the chance to explore their very own history: attendees will be placed in a drawing for a chance to WIN a FREE World Explorer Ancestry.com package
($224 value).

We will also demonstrate the exciting future enhancements that are currently planned for Discover PLUS.

7:30 – 8:30 AM
Philadelphia Marriott

Please RSVP to libraryrelations@pli.edu, and we’ll include location details in
your confirmation.

We hope to see you in Philadelphia!


Superman’s Day in Court

What are the rare books librarians at Yale University up to these days?  Showing us how much fun archives really can be. 

The library has a show on called “Superheroes in Court!  Lawyers, Law, and Comic Books.”  The exhibit shows  images of courtroom drama and congressional inquiries from comic books.

The New York Times wrote about the exhibit here.

Exhibit information: “Superheroes in Court! Lawyers, Law and Comic Books”, curated by Mark S. Zaid, Esq., and on display Sept. 4-Dec, 16, 2010 in the Rare Book Exhibition Gallery, Level L2, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School

Making Newspaper’s More Accesibile

Google announced yesterday that they’re going to start providing old newspaper articles, complete with pictures, headlines, and full content through a Google News Archive search (http://news.google.com/archivesearch).

Bringing History Online, One Newspaper At a Time

Is this making life easier for everyone? Or just one more argument in the case for Google becoming the world’s most powerful, and thereby dangerous, information trader?