Tag Archives: articles

NY Times Article About the Changing Role of Librarians

Sunday’s New York Times has an article about the changing role of librarians in this new digital age. While the article has a focus on school media specialists, it is an interesting read, and a great bit of visibility for the profession.

It also discusses some of the challenges that librarians face today; balancing an ever-shrinking budget with an ever-expanding amount of information, and the need for a trained professional to filter out the relevant content.

(It’s also the second most emailed article of the day!)

Article here.

PC World: The 25 Worst Tech Products

PC World has an interesting list of “The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time.” Librarians being the charge leaders in this new age of technology and gadgets, I thought you might find it interesting to take a look back at those technological advances that almost made it but, for whatever reason, didn’t quite get off the ground.

Article here.

Watching the Digital Radar with Google News Alerts

The ABA has an interesting article about using Google Alerts to help out lawyers.

Watching the Digital Radar with Google News Alerts
By Sharon Nelson and John Simek

Read here.

This suggestion was especially interesting:
▪ Gauge your return on investment for marketing activities—for example, if you send out a press release or host a national seminar, enter identifying terms for it and see how often it appears in blogs and on the Internet generally.