Tag Archives: law students

Sign up for Events Using Google Docs

Whether its 1Y library introduction or advanced database instruction, getting your law students to sign and show up to an event can be challenging.

Now Google Docs and Calendar is here to make your life just a little bit easier. Allie Jordan has a guest post on the LibraryTech blog where she goes through how to create a form and sign-up process through Google Docs and calendars, allowing your students to register for an event with the click of a button.

Article here.

Bar Exam Resources

The folks over at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law have updated their Bar Exam Guide for students. The site is impressively inclusive, going so far as to provide hotels near the Ohio bar testing locations, outline the costs that a student can expect to accrue, and giving advice on which classes to take and when.

A great outlay of information, here.

Things Other Than Westlaw

The ABA recently released the 2008 Legal Technology Survey Report, which showed that the number of lawyers doing online research is larger than ever, and the majority of them are using free online sources, rather than the traditional Westlaw and Lexis.

Which leads the Law Librarian Blog to ask law school and firm librarians: Are you showing these lawyers how do to these things? Come on now, where else did they pick this kind of behavior up?
Are Librarians Training Lawyers and Law Students in the Use of Alternatives to LexisNexis and Westlaw?

Law Student Books: Source of Scoliosis and Poverty

SeattlePi.com has an article this morning that says that the average law student has “28 pounds of books worth about $1,000 per semester” in their backpacks. Amazon.com and other content providers are examining e-books as a back (and wallet) friendly alternative in a conference later on this month.

Books a weighty issue for law schools

We’re going to take this opportunity to promote PLI’s own Online Library, which allows online access to all of our Course Handbook and treatise titles, with releases automatically updated; a space and budget saving alternative to a print subscription. For more information, email us at LibraryRelations@pli.edu.