Tag Archives: lexisnexis

How do law firms use social media?

The legal industry is slowly increasing its usage of social media platforms; about one-third of the ‘AmLaw 100’ law firms are on Twitter.

LexisNexis recently commissioned a report on the social media engagement of 110 law firms across the world. Here are some interesting highlights of the firms that were audited:

  • 35 firms have registered Twitter profiles, 24 are being used for broadcasting news;
    8 have yet to be used; and 3 are being predominantly used for interaction at the time of the audit
  • Of the 85 law firms that have registered on LinkedIn, 27 have created their own ‘LinkedIn Groups’
  • Only 12 use YouTube
  • Sydney and New York have the  highest numbers of legal bloggers

The breakdown by region: 

Things Other Than Westlaw

The ABA recently released the 2008 Legal Technology Survey Report, which showed that the number of lawyers doing online research is larger than ever, and the majority of them are using free online sources, rather than the traditional Westlaw and Lexis.

Which leads the Law Librarian Blog to ask law school and firm librarians: Are you showing these lawyers how do to these things? Come on now, where else did they pick this kind of behavior up?
Are Librarians Training Lawyers and Law Students in the Use of Alternatives to LexisNexis and Westlaw?

LexisWeb: Making Legal Websites Your Friend

Lexis is beta testing a new search engine just for law related websites:


LexisWeb’s User Guide tells us how this search interacts with LexisNexis, the giant database of Very Important Things:

“All search results from Lexis Web will contain value-added features
unique to LexisNexis:
• Navigation based on our Search by Topic or Headnote legal
classification system
• Navigation based on our LexisNexis SmartIndexing Technology
• Navigation based on legal citations
• Recommended list of sources to search in LexisNexis”

And the best part– while it’s in beta testing, the use of it is completely free.