Tag Archives: Vancouver

Librarian Advisory Luncheon at the SLA 2014 Annual Conference in Vancouver

SLA 2014

PLI is hosting a Librarian Advisory Lunch at the SLA 2014 Annual Conference in Vancouver and we would like to extend our warmest invitation to you!

The Practising Law Institute (PLI) will be holding a Librarian Advisory Lunch at SLA 2014. PLI is developing a taxonomy with the aim of making our content even easier to find and discover online and will showcase our prototype over lunch. We will demonstrate the exciting future enhancements that are currently planned for Practising Law Institute’s Discover PLUS, our eBook library containing our authoritative legal Treatises, Answer Books, Course Handbooks, Program Transcripts, and Forms.

Our lunch will take place on Monday, June 9th from 12:00 – 2:00 PM at the Convention Center. Please email libraryrelations@pli.edu to RSVP and we’ll include location details in your confirmation.

We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!