Author Archives: Zehava Brickner

New Treatise! A Starter Guide to Doing Business in the United States

Doing Business in the United States

A Starter Guide to Doing Business in the United States is a new “must read” for non-U.S. businesses, foreign attorneys, law firm associates and new entrepreneurs. Edited by Woon-Wah Siu (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP) the Starter Guide covers the main legal and regulatory issues to be considered before entering the U.S. market, including:

  • Choice of a business entity—describing the requirements for a corporation, LLC, partnership, and sole proprietorship
  • Federal securities law—discusses the major statutes, provisions and regulations controlling the creation and exchange of business interests; the chapter includes what is required to qualify as a Foreign Private Issuer
  • Buying a company: the M&A process—highlighting each step of the process and the differences between buying a U.S. company and a non-U.S. company
  • Employment considerations—providing general guidance on the issues and statutes that arise when hiring employees in the U.S.
  • Equity incentives for U.S. employees—comparing the permissible types of equity incentives and the related, relevant tax and accounting treatment of such incentives
  • Immigration law—describing the requirements for the various types of employment-related visas and other business-related provisions
  • U.S. international trade law—exploring, in the book’s most extensive chapter, the many major statutes and international agreements that regulate importing into, exporting out of, or investing in the United States
  • Protecting intellectual property—describing the kinds of protections in the U.S. and how to derive maximum value from your IP through licensing, and how to assert or defend your IP in litigation
  • Environmental law—describing the requirements mandated by major federal and state statutes and regulations, as well as providing suggestions on successful compliance strategies
  • Taxation—describing the many kinds of taxes affecting trade and business, and focusing on the distinctions between how U.S. persons versus non-U.S. persons, as well as U.S. source versus non-U.S. source income, are treated
  • Litigation before courts and agencies, mediation and arbitration—providing a general discussion of the structure of the court systems in the United States as applied to civil cases, the terminology and procedure generally used in U.S. courts, enforcement of court judgments, and specialized tribunals, arbitration and mediation.

The Starter Guide also includes concepts in U.S. commercial real estate transactions, regulation of the energy sector, products liability law, and business insurance. This new guide also provides useful charts, tables, best practices and highlighted tips.

This essential new title is available on PLI Discover PLUS, our online research database. If you’d like to order a print copy, please email the PLI Library Help Desk or call 877-900-5291.

PLI AALL Librarian Advisory Breakfast

2016 AALL Breakfast

Practising Law Institute (PLI) will be holding its fifth Librarian Advisory Breakfast at
the AALL 2016 Annual Meeting & Conference in Chicago.

In an effort to pay homage to this year’s host city, known for its deep dish pizza, pierogies, and jibaritos, we will be raffling off a $150 gift certificate to Open Table. Bring the experts to your table with Discover PLUS,
PLI’s online research database!

During the breakfast, we’ll take a deep (dish) dive into Discover PLUS.

7:30 – 8:30 AM
Hyatt Regency Chicago

Please RSVP to, and we’ll include location details in
your confirmation.

We hope to see you in Chicago!

We’re at CaliCon!

2016 Cali Con banner

The PLI Legal Information Services team is pleased to be in Atlanta for the 26th Annual CALI Conference for Law School Computing. Come by to say hello and learn about how our online research database, PLI Discover PLUS, can help you learn dangerously!

PLI Discover PLUS Answer Books Video Tutorial

PLI Answer Books are written in an easy to read, q&a format. And they’re filled with checklists and practice pointers, making them useful resources for seasoned practitioners and newer attorneys alike. Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to access our more than 80 Answer Books on PLI Discover PLUS:

Be sure to check out the rest of our videos on the PLI Librarian YouTube channel. We will continue to add instructional videos to this channel, so stay tuned for more! And if you have any suggestions on search tips videos you would like to see, please contact the PLI Library Help Desk .

Transcripts of PLI One-Hour Briefing on PLI Discover PLUS

One hour BriefingHave you heard about PLI’s one-hour briefings? During these “bite-sized” programs, top legal practitioners explore topics ripped straight from the headlines.  Many of our one-hour briefings have been transcribed and are available on Discover PLUS!

Check out the transcripts of some of our most recent briefings, available on Discover PLUS today:

Questions about our one-hour briefings or about PLI Discover PLUS? Contact the PLI Library Help Desk today!

Library Ledger, May 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2





Our latest edition of the Library Ledger is now available on the blog! Read up on PLI Discover PLUS news with this most current edition, which explores how you can use Discover PLUS in your internal training program and highlights the new format for our monthly Discover PLUS alerts.  It also features a letter from PLI’s Library Relations Manager, Katie Hut. Read all of our newsletters on the Library Ledger page.

What’s New on Discover PLUS for May

05-2016 What'

We add content to PLI Discover PLUS every month to ensure our subscribers have access to the most up-to-date and relevant secondary source legal documents. Renowned legal experts regularly updated our acclaimed Treatises, Course Handbooks, Answer Books, Transcripts and Forms to reflect recent changes and developments in the law.

Click here to see what we added in May.

Discover PLUS Forms Video Tutorial

Did you know that there are over 3,000 downloadable and editable legal forms on PLI Discover PLUS? Here’s a quick video tutorial that reviews in the ins and outs of our forms.

Be sure to check out the rest of our videos on the PLI Librarian YouTube channel. We will continue to add instructional videos to this channel, so stay tuned for more! And if you have any suggestions on search tips videos you would like to see, please contact the PLI Library Help Desk .