Tag Archives: Bankruptcy

PLI Course Handbooks Published in February 2015

Listed below are the PLI Course Handbooks published in February 2015:

Bankruptcy & Restructuring:

Corporate and Securities:


Estates & Trust:

International Law:

Real Estate:


September 2012 Treatise Updates

In September 2012, the following PLI treatises were updated:

If you are on standing order for any of the above titles, these releases have already been shipped. If you would like to place an order, please email libraryrelations@pli.edu.

Federal Court adds 30,000 court opinions to free database

The U.S Government Printing Office (GPO)  and its Federal Digital System (FDsys) added 30,000 court opinions to its online collection of opinions, part of a new pilot program.

The United States Courts Opinions collection in FDsys contains opinions from the Federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts.  The collection is divided into appellate, district, and bankruptcy court opinions. Opinions are text-searchable across opinions and across courts. Posted court opinions date as far back as April 2004.

The opinions on FDsys may differ  from opinions available on online legal research services—FDsys permits embedded animation and audio that works while the opinion is accessed.

If you need additional resources for trial preparation check out our Trial Handbook.

Bankruptcy Season

Bankruptcy Season is upon us.  I recently learned that the bankruptcy season starts in early January.  Craig D. Robins, Esq. has “observed that the December holidays lead most people who are troubled with serious debt problems to put off getting help. However, the advent of a new year, combined with the added pressure of bills from holiday purchases, causes many consumers with overwhelming debt to make that appointment to see a bankruptcy lawyer.”

PLI publishes on the topic of Bankruptcy.  For example:

Bankruptcy Deskbook, 4th Edition 

ISBN Number: 1-4024-0772-6 

Number of Volumes: 2 

Publication Date: August 2006 

Latest Supplement: November 2010

Item #: 8048

Price: $295.00

Personal Bankruptcy Answer Book, 1st Edition 

ISBN Number: 978-1-4024-1393-3 

Number of Volumes: 1 

Publication Date: June 2010 

Item #: 26277

Price: $195.00