Tag Archives: catalog

PLI Discover PLUS 2014 Third Quarter Coverage List


The Practising Law Institute 2014 Discover PLUS Third Quarter coverage list is out! Our coverage list is a reference guide for librarians, attorneys, researchers, and other PLI Discover PLUS subscribers. Inside the catalog is a listing of the books, forms, and transcripts that were added to Discover PLUS between July 1st and September 30th.

PLI Discover PLUS continues to grow: new books are published; Treatises are updated; Forms are added; and new programs generate our Course Handbooks and Transcripts.  Check out the new titles – which include 97 Archived Course Handbooks – as we continue to develop our archival collection back to 2004!


2014 Practising Law Institute Discover PLUS Coverage List

coverage list 2014

The Practising Law Institute 2014 Discover PLUS coverage list is out!  Our coverage list is a reference guide for librarians, attorneys, researchers, and other PLI Discover PLUS subscribers.  Inside the catalog is a listing of the books, forms, and transcripts that are available through Discover PLUS.  PLI Discover PLUS contains all PLI published materials, including our authoritative Treatises, Answer Books, and Course Handbooks in addition to our forms and program transcripts.

2012 Discover PLUS Coverage List

The Discover PLUS coverage list is a reference guide for librarians, attorneys, researchers, and other PLI Discover PLUS subscribers.  Inside the catalog is a listing of the books, forms, and transcripts that are available through Discover PLUS.  Discover PLUS contains all PLI published materials, including our authoritative Treatises, Answer Books, and Course Handbooks.

In addition, we have listed our searchable and downloadable legal forms, as well as those program transcripts made accessible through PLUS.

If you have any questions about the coverage list or would like to learn more about Discover PLUS, please contact PLI Library Relations at libraryrelations@plu.edu or 877-900-5291.


The future is here…


The Harvard Law School Library Blog announced a new feature for the library catalog.  Students and researchers now have the option to text location and call numbers to their cell phones.  Back in my college days, I would scribble call numbers on scraps of paper (and then struggle to decipher my own writing).  This innovation should make students very happy.  Very neat feature!