Tag Archives: correction

Langer Misprint

Jamie Sunnycalb at Charlotte Law School called in to inform us of an error. “Langer on Practical International Tax Planning” release # 16 from October has a misprint in the filing instructions.

The pink pages tells users to file 72-1 to 73-13, pages that weren’t included. The instructions should have read:

Remove pages
73-1 to 73-13

Insert new pages
73-1 to 73-13

Thank you, Jamie, for bringing it to our attention!

Correction: Coping With US Export Controls 2008

The very helpful Mr. Goldstein from Duane Morris called in to let us know that there is an error in this years edition of Coping with US Export Controls.

Page 220 has a sentence that reads: “ITAR ยงยง124.12(c) and 124.16.
These new procedures also apply to employees of sub-licensees
authorized under the agreements.”

Instead of referencing 124.12c, the section of reference should be listed as: 124.12A #10.

Thanks again to Mr. Goldstein for the catch.

Sack on Defamation Misprint

The wonderfully meticulous Mr. Jones brought this to our attention the other day: in the up to date copy of “Sack on Defamation”, page 2-44 there’s a footnote (#155) that says “see Section 11.6, infra“.

If you went looking in your copy, however, you’d notice that there is no section 11.6. We talked to the editors, and they say that this was a misprint, and that the footnote should actually refer to Section 13.6, which discusses infliction of emotional distress.

The misprint will be corrected in the next supplement, but we wanted to give you all a heads up. Thank you, Mr. Jones, for letting us know.