Tag Archives: langer on practical international tax planning

October 2012 Treatise Updates

In October 2012, the following PLI treatises were updated:

Broker-Dealer Regulation Release #2

Directors’ & Officers’ Liability Release #7

Doing Business Under the FCPA Release #17

Electronic Discovery Deskbook Release #4

Investment Adviser Regulation Release #2

Langer on Practical International Tax Planning Release #24

Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds Regulation  Release #2

Reisurance Law Release #7

Securities Litigation Release #6

Sinclair on Federal Civil Practice Release #4

White Collar Deskbook Release #9

If you are on standing order for any of the above titles, these releases have already been shipped. If you would like to place an order, please email libraryrelations@pli.edu.

Langer on Practical International Tax Planning

Release #20 is now available for Langer on Practical International Tax Planning.  Examining more than 50 tax-advantaged territories around the world, this treatise gives you the current knowledge and savvy advice you need to help clients capitalize on ripe tax havens and financial centers.

Regularly updated to ensure you stay on top of every issue and angle vital to your tax planning, Langer gives you the latest word on the legal, tax, business, financial, social, political, technological, geographical, and regional factors you must consider when developing and implementing customized planning strategies for clients.

Stocked with case studies that illustrate sound planning approaches, Langer enables you to select the right territories for each client; deploy the right instruments within each territory to eliminate, reduce, or defer taxes; avoid planning missteps that trigger tax problems; use local contacts to open doors to tax havens (with the aid of up-to-date contact information); and respond effectively to changing tax-planning situations in specific havens and financial centers.

 If your library is on standing order for this treatise, you can expect the release to arrive soon.  If you’d like to order the release please email libraryrelations@pli.edu or call 877-900-5291.  Or, to find out more about the book, click here.

Langer Misprint

Jamie Sunnycalb at Charlotte Law School called in to inform us of an error. “Langer on Practical International Tax Planning” release # 16 from October has a misprint in the filing instructions.

The pink pages tells users to file 72-1 to 73-13, pages that weren’t included. The instructions should have read:

Remove pages
73-1 to 73-13

Insert new pages
73-1 to 73-13

Thank you, Jamie, for bringing it to our attention!