After not being there for a year, American Law Reports are back up on Lexis. Enjoy browsing!
Access the news release here.
After not being there for a year, American Law Reports are back up on Lexis. Enjoy browsing!
Access the news release here.
HeinOnline will now let researchers see the citation frequency of law review articles on their database. Search from the topic screen in the law library, and your results will list how often the article has been cited in others.
HeinOnline is here.
That’s right, it’s online and open for business:
AAALL Spectrum Blog
Check out the bottom of the first page for an online copy of the magazine in PDF format.
Did you guys know this was out there? How did I not know this was out there?
Billing itself as “the world’s largest free law library” the Public Library of Law offers a giant searchable database to help you find the legal-type-thing you’re looking for. And what’s not to love about free?
Lexis is beta testing a new search engine just for law related websites:
LexisWeb’s User Guide tells us how this search interacts with LexisNexis, the giant database of Very Important Things:
“All search results from Lexis Web will contain value-added features
unique to LexisNexis:
• Navigation based on our Search by Topic or Headnote legal
classification system
• Navigation based on our LexisNexis SmartIndexing Technology
• Navigation based on legal citations
• Recommended list of sources to search in LexisNexis”
And the best part– while it’s in beta testing, the use of it is completely free.
A article published in AM Law Daily talks about how, compared to the rest of the web, law firm websites are still stuck in yesteryear.
Still Loading: Law Firms Lag Behind the Rest of Corporate America on the Web